Scrubs - She just moved in. So far we have no beef with her. She's in the medical field - best to keep her on our side anyway.
Beach Babe - Scrubs roommate. Yup. That's about it. We know nothing about her. Except that she borrows things and never returns them.
Too Cool for School - Study study study. And spy spy spy.
Crazy Hippy - Too Cool for School's Roommate. Some may think she's a lesbian - but she's not.
Mean Smoker Chick - She smokes like a dog. And she tends to have random men over - a different one each time. Maybe she's mean, maybe she's anti-social, maybe we just intimidate her. Maybe we'll never know.
Missing Roommate - Mean Smoker Chick's roommate. I've seen her once. Seriously.
Five O'Clock Cig Boy - He works like clock work. Cig after work, cig after dinner, cig before bed, and one in between.
Jefe - Five O'Clock Cig Boy's Roommate. He opts for the more "natural" cig. If you get my drift.
Girl with the Boyfriend - She's quiet. She's a dancer? Maybe? Sure. We'll just say she is. Oh, and if you haven't already realized, her boyfriend is over ALL the time.
Third Wheel - Girl with the Boyfriend's roommate. We don't actually know anything about her. We've seen her once. Going for a run after a night of booze.
The Suit - Leaves at 7:40am every day, works on Saturdays, but drinks like a dog. And his friends will hit on anything with tits. Including apes.
The Tool Box -Suit's roommate. He's really not a tool. Or actually, maybe he is. But in a good way. He's nice.
Sorry, I Got High Last Night - Enough said? I think so. He has a thing for plants.
Suspicious Surfer - Sorry, I Got High Last Night's Roommate. He's also known as the apartment watchdog.
Sports Dude - He just moved in. He may live alone, he may not. Only time will tell.
Couch - We don't actually know if he exists. We just assume Sports Dude has a roommate, in which case we figured Couch would be an appropriate name.
On the Road Again - To be determined (Names may change as developments arise.)
Christmas Carol - To be determined (Names may change as developments arise.)
Raspy Voice - My god she's loud. And she gets really dressed up for work. It must take her forever to get ready every morning.
Stringer -Raspy Voice's roommate. He's got great taste in music. Plays the guitar.
Run Man - Not to be confused with Rain Man. Keeps to himself. Likes to run obviously. He's very friendly. But could quite possibly be considered a loner.
Neither Here Nor There - Run Man's roommate. He's never here. Or maybe he is, and he stays in his room. We're not sure.
Vino Extraordinaire 1 - Loves having friends over for wine night. Probably had trouble in school when her teacher asked her to use her "6-inch voice."
Vino Extraordinaire 2 - We really don't know the difference between her and her roommate, Vino Extraordinaire 1. But we do know that they are indeed different people.
Be patient. Character development is coming. Promise.